Cory Elliot, a muchhappier person

Cory Elliot

Meet Cory from Texas, over 25lbs down & now a f#cking machine.

โ€œBefore I reached out to Kirk I lived the typical yo yo diet lifestyle. I would get into halfway decent shape by restricting myfood in an unhealthy way, just to gain the weight back.

Eventually I got very upset with myself being in this shape as a husband & father. I wanted to change my lifestyle once &for all, & figure out how to live a way that I could maintain the body I wanted & still enjoy life.

I lost over 25lbs & learned how to live a life not obsessing about food & starving myself to get lean.

I am now a muchhappier person in all aspects of life.I am most excited about finally having the tools to live life & enjoy good food, while still being able to be in control of mybody.I would recommend Kirk to anyone who wants the process laid out & simplified to achieve the results you want.

All you have to do is listen to Kirkโ€™s knowledge & do what you say you will do!