Michael Smith

Michael – International Businessman, Father, producing one of the greatest BTL Transformations: ⁠

“After years of trying different types of diets, combined with exercising at a gym and running.⁠

I could never sustain the results because I had no routine, structure or accountability. ⁠

At 48, I felt it was maybe too late to change. ⁠

It was the value of what the Built To Last program and team could deliver that made it an easy decision for me.⁠

My initial goal was to drop 12kg (26lbs) in the first year. I have dropped over 19kg (42lbs) in only 7 and a half months.⁠

Previously I had struggled to find a program where everything was in one place. ⁠

The workouts, exercise techniques, coaches, structure, nutrition, accountability, support, guidance, community… Built To Last is the full package.⁠

Even on vacation when I choose to relax and don’t have access to my usual gym, the team help me adapt so I can move and feel great, but without compromising the progress I have achieved.⁠

Built To Last has changed my life. ⁠

I am so much healthier, fitter and stronger. I have more energy and look and feel in the best shape of my life. ⁠

I live with more confidence, more control of my emotions and I am a strong health example for my family and children.”⁠