Sam Mitchell Abs and Body

Sam Mitchell

“The Summer Shredz plan!…

The first thing to mention is that with any plan it would have taken me a lot to pay for one. With what you can get on YouTube and social media sites for free I’ve always thought I don’t need to invest to get results, that I can copy these ones…how wrong I was!

The second thing is, it’s so important for me to ‘see’ the person (I’m getting the plan from) as someone I want to look like and someone I look up to. Kirk Miller has been one of my idols for some time, and is one of the reasons I started working out. So when he put out on social media that he was bringing a plan out, I was very excited.

This plan is jam packed full of content-including actual footage of Kirk doing the exercises, which definitely helped me understand and also with my form.

The food breakdown and macro calculator were really easy and simple to understand,and my body really appreciated the carbs Kirk made sure I ate.

Leading up to the final week i was looking good and felt amazing; feeling fit and healthy is the best feeling ever.

When Kirk announced I had won the comp all my dreams came true. I’d worked my arse off but never dreamt I would win the Summer Shredz comp.

Kirk Miller the man.. some people say you shouldn’t meet your idols and I’ve always been a bit anxious to meet Kirk but he really ripped that saying up and proved it wrong, he was amazing, if i had any questions, problems, lacked motivation he was only a message away. Kirk sticks out to me as he’s a normal guy he doesn’t pretend to be perfect. He doesn’t hide when he’s had a cheat meal or a beer and I could relate to him because of this.

He’s a genuine man with a huge work rate-and a kind,giving personality.

I just want to say a massive thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Now when I go to the gym some people look at me the way I look at you.

Thank you Kirk.”