Viktoriya Ivanova

โ€˜Before reaching out to Kirk, I always failed to maintain consistency. I would always revert back to old habits & then struggle to find motivation to start again.

I had tried A LOT of โ€˜dietsโ€™ & didnโ€™t eat enough when trying to get in shape.

So could never sustain results which really affected my energy, confidence & performance with family, & in business.

โ€˜Build to lastโ€™ is what really got me & I wanted change that will last. I really wanted to lose fat, get in great shape & maintain that for the rest of my life.

Being part of the program has provided so much education, know how, accountability & consistency.

I have managed to drop weight, & get lean, but now have so much more energy. I am more confident, stronger & I have the 100% โ€˜I canโ€™ attitude.

The coaching team is great & always there for me when I have a question or a struggle. The community is really inspiring, & everyone contributes towards each others success.

As a busy business owner time is not always on my side, especially with a family with small kids.

But the structure & planning inside Built To Last is on another level to help with this.

The discipline in the program has massively helped me in business, as well as family life.

Something I didnโ€™t expect when I signed up was the shift in mindset, discipline and planning through the guidance of Kirk, the coaches & amazing education we receive.

Understanding the process gives you the confidence that you cannot fail.

I eat better, I sleep better, I train smarter & can enjoy social events without feeling guilty. It gives me the freedom knowing I am in control of all my actions & decisions. Itโ€™s a great feeling!

If you really want to take your life & achievements to another level I can honestly say Kirk is the man!โ€™