Archives: Testimonials

Simon Greenaway

“This has truly for me been transformational. It’s given me a whole new lease of life. It’s been the best thing ever and it’s sustainable.” My life before Built to Last looked very different than it does today. I have a serious spinal stenosis. I was having big, big issues. I tried everything. Osteopaths, facet …

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Mustafa Sener is optimising his health in his 50's

Mustafa Sener

Mustafa Sener is a global business leader from Germany, married with 2 beautiful children.⁠ He has always been motivated…⁠⁠Has always been disciplined…⁠⁠He just didn’t know how to optimise his training, eating or lifestyle management around his personal and professional commitments. “I have always valued health and loved exercise, but after 20 years plus travelling around …

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David Myers dropped 32 pounds of fat

David Myers

Global business owner & world renowned chef David drops 32lbs of fat whilst in full LA lockdown. “This incredible journey with kirk began during the craziest period In my life, Covid lockdown. I decided early on to set out 3 big goals for myself that I can control & achieve during this period. As life …

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Dean Papadopoullos

‘I’ve never been overweight & have always valued my health & enjoyed exercise, but for most of adult life, I struggled with a back injury that stopped me from playing football aged of 25 & didn’t allow me to exercise properly without the worry of doing more damage. After seeing countless physios & specialists, I …

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Will Boyle's phenomenal transformation with a busy lifestyle

Will Boyle

‘Before joining up with Kirk & the BTL team I had been training for over 10 years – weight lifting, circuit training, and playing rugby, but could never get into the shape I thought I deserved, with all the effort I put in. I managed to get into ok shape from time to time but …

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Antonio Gallieri

“Since I’ve been part of Built To Last, I am a new person.⁠⁠I am reborn! Confidence, mindset, control of food and lifestyle has been taken to a different level.⁠⁠After a career in professional football years ago, I have been searching to find a peer group that held the same standards.⁠⁠The BTL plan, coaching support and …

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